Richard RhodesTHE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB, first copyright 1986, is an extraordinary deeply scientific examination of the development of atomic energy. This work is so unique that this non-scientific reader( me), fascinated with the subject, found the narrative accessible, engrossing and understandable. This book is of far greater scientific depth than American Prometheus. (see Gordons Good Reads).

If a layman seeks an understanding of nuclear fission, the splitting of the atom, atomic chain reaction and the creation of a weapon of mass destruction THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB brings together the history of the discovery of the atom, the groundbreaking scientists involved ( you will meet many more than Oppenheimer), the building of the atomic bomb itself and the resulting moral controversy over, how and when, and if ever it should be used.

Francis William Ashton ( Circa 1936): There are those who say that such research should be stopped by law, alleging that man’s destructive powers are already large enough. Personally I think that subatomic energy is all around us and that one day man will release and control its almost infinite power. We cannot prevent him from doing so and can only hope that he will not use it exclusively in blowing up his next door neighbor.

Rhodes expert, understandable and readable nuclear development research fast forwards to the ethical controversy of using atomic weapons and delves deeply into the decision making process prior to the deployment of Big Boy over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Rhodes offers a substantial overview of the political and military strategy leading up to the decision that ended World War II.

Could the enemy not be warned in advance or a demonstration arranged? We feared that if the Japanese were told that the bomb would be used on a given locality they might bring our boys who were prisoners of war to that area.

The detail in Rhodes writing equals and in scientific terms( formulas, equations, graphs, charts, maps) exceeds what an educated reader expects from and author like Robert Caro.

THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB together with AMERICAN PROMETHEUS are a giant step in understanding the scientific and ethical development of atomic energy. Both books are worth the effort.
